The term "power" in medicine refers to the ability of men to sexual act. According to the World Health Organization, only 30% of men today can boast of a sexual and reproductive health of the system: the remaining 70 % will face different sexual problems, the main one of which is erectile dysfunction. This symptom can occur at any age. The great importance has a style of life that leads man, the presence of chronic diseases, the balance of power, and other factors which may depend on the operation the "main men" of the organ.

We analyze the most effective ways to increase the power folk remedies for 3 days or more representatives of the stronger sex.
Honey with walnuts
- Both components take in equal proportions and well mixed, nuts, pre-need grind.
- The compost used was equal to 2 teaspoons after a meal, milk, morning and evening.
Pomegranate juice
If drinking pomegranate juice for about a month, every day, you will feel the effect. He is good, that improves the circulation of blood and therefore accelerates the swelling of the organ. Then the pomegranate juice is an excellent folk remedy to increase potency in men without side effects.
- Turnip is useful to combat erectile dysfunction. This vegetable, eat it as fresh and welding in the water.
- Cook in milk, which only increase the effect.
- You can and mix the vegetables with the other, making a salad. For example, the salad of carrots and turnips.
Carrot juice
- You can drink half a cup three times daily after a meal.
- The carrots in and of itself improves the blood circulation and the flow of blood to the pelvis, increases to combat the functioning of male organ.
Infused with rowan berries, rose hips and leaves of gooseberry
We analyze the following method for the preparation of dyes to increase the power folk remedies in the house for men.
- Take the berries of the mountain ash in the number of 150 grams, rosehips 50 grams of leaves and gooseberries, and also in the amount of 50 grams. All washed and pour a liter of water.
- They start to boil. At the first boil, keep on a low fire for 20 minutes.
- Cool. Now you can drink 3 times per day in a volume of 200 ml at a time.
Banana and yogurt
How did this mix:
- Take half a banana and put it in a cup, where it is crushed up to a dense mass.
- Pour a cup with a mass of yogurt, add sugar to taste and all mix well until complete dissolution.
- Delicious and useful drink after meals or before training.
- Instead, the yogurt can be used varenets or sour cream.
Pro blend
- In addition to the fact that in and of itself banana helps to increase the duration of coitus, and improves the strength of the male. We have already written to increase the resistance to bed with good techniques for this.
- And dairy products improve the chance to reproduce, and the performance of the seed.
- Together they give a greater effect, and the mixture is considered to be among the men folk remedy to increase the power in a hurry.
Some of the fruits of the sea
- Squid;
- Cancers;
- Mussels and oysters;
- Mackerel;
- Rapana.

All these fruits of the sea are considered to be aphrodisiacs and to increase the activity in the bed.
The tincture of garlic
Finely crumb and two cloves of garlic and pour the normal water is boiled. Such a mixture let steep for two weeks. Then consumed in the amount of a teaspoon a day. In general, is itself the garlic is always helpful for the strong sex in bed.
Love is a drug of dried fruit and wine
- Take in the amount of 100 grams of dried apricots, prunes and raisins, respectively. Him pour the cinnamon and sugar with a spoon. As condiments permission of cardamom and cloves.
- The mixture allowed for a good dry red wine and whetted on a small fire for half an hour with closing on the lid and then a long time with tightly closed.
- It is a sweet drug are in the treatment of power in men folk remedies in a number of 3 times in a day.
- It is the hormone stimulating the desire towards women.
- Use in its vegetable salads or eat as a side dish to meat.
- Some love the soup-puree of this ingredient. Added as a condiment to seafood. Still drink the juice of celery.
- You can use leaves, stems. Also useful in the root.
Dried or baked tomatoes
Better to eat the vegetables after the heat treatment. That is, it is better to let them simmer or bake. In this way are stronger, and enhance the function of the sex glands. Tomatoes are also added to the pizza or pasta.
Soup special recipe
In advanced-aged folk remedy to increase potency in men after 50, this will be a special meat soup. It will also be helpful and young.
Its recipe is the following:
- For the soup, take the meat with beef bone (suitable for rabbit meat, horse meat or turkey), crumble finely the onion. There add chopped turnips and carrots.
- All of this cooked in water and boil for 30 minutes, adding the parsley.
- Eat a hot dish, season the sour cream.
The berries of sea buckthorn
The fruits of sea buckthorn are useful in any form:
- salad with sea buckthorn oil;
- juice of sea buckthorn;
- tea of the berries of sea buckthorn;
- marmalades and jams.
How to prepare the tea of sea buckthorn
- Take the berries of sea buckthorn and pour the already boiled water in a ratio of 3 tablespoons of fruit in half a liter of boiling water.
- Insist about half an hour.
- Then drink the mixture, filtering from her berries, a drink two times per day.
- What is a popular remedy for the power of the men of action quick, can drink together with the honey.
The berries of sea buckthorn improve the strength of the male are struggling with impotence and regulate the production of hormones.
Quail or chicken eggs
Quail eggs can be eaten raw, either in the form of an omelette. The eggs do not want to use in the form of silvia. You can make a frittata of eggs, and add the onion, to increase the effect.
Dairy products
It is useful to drink more milk, or drink the second. Enhances the reproductive ability. In addition to this, for the power of the male show the following dairy products:
- mare's milk;
- yogurt;
- the ricotta;
- yogurt;
- hard cheese;
- sour cream.
That green is better
Between the green occupy a special place:
- Parsley (normalizes and increases the level of male hormones).
- Spinach (normalizes the blood circulation in the body).
- Onions (improves the production of testosterone, and enhances libido).
All of these types of vegetables are good, which can be added as a condiment to a first, a second dish or a variety of salads.
Add the herbs in your diet and less impartial on the topic of how to increase the power over the men in the house.
Porridge with dried fruits and walnuts
- In the same hamlets to take the raisins, the peeled plums, figs, tomatoes, and walnuts.
- Everything is well mixed and crushed. You can add honey to taste.
- Eat it after dinner for two tablespoons.
- Thus, we obtain useful and at the same time a delicious way to increase potency in men folk remedies.
- To drink porridge, can take varenets, yoghurt to taste.
Perform Kegel exercises
It is an ancient exercise taoist sages to enhance the male power and also prevent the premature closure of the session. It is very popular and practical.
- The essence of this exercise is to tension the muscle pubococcygeus muscles (which helps us to stop the jet of liquid in the bathroom, when you go to the small).
- You can do short of tension and relaxation of this muscle, or a long voltage for a few seconds. It is possible to perform at any place, because no one will understand.
- Another method of training. When your male organ is for the alert, you can make it bounce from the compression and relaxation of the same muscles Kegel. We have already talked about perform Kegel exercises for the men of the house.
Exercise for the pelvis and not only
Resorting to physical exercises must, especially if you are sitting on a lot of work.
All of this pushes the blood in the basin and improves the blood flow in sexual organ.
- Normal squat.
- Raise the knee up to the shoulder level, alternately different kicks.
- Abdominal exercises (hands behind the head, feet, locked, raise and lower the body).
- Running for long distances is old tried and true folk remedy to increase male potency.
- Exercises for the buttocks. For example, "boat" (lying on the belly tank out to the side and drag on your hands, and the same with the feet, but in the opposite direction).
- Stretching the muscle to the inguinal.
- Available a rotational movement of the pelvis.
On these and other popular exercise we have talked about here.
Pumpkin seeds or pumpkin seed oil
Pumpkin seeds improve libido, restore your virility.
Still pumpkin seed oil increases the reproductive function, improves the production of male hormones.
Available pumpkin seeds together with honey:
- Semeny, pumpkin, raw, finely ground.
- Mixed with the honey in the same proportion and consume about 5 times a day a tablespoon.
We have already written an article on the topic of how to improve the power after 50 years in the house. Pumpkin seeds are one of the solutions to the problem.
Infusion of nettle leaves, an ingredient for soups
- Nettle leaves washed and damage to dry. Then finely ground.
- Then of nettles, pour boiled water in a ratio of 100 grams of 300 ml. to Give the infusion.
- Take the mixture 3 times a day before meals.
- Wash the nettle leaves are also added to soups, side dishes.
- The benefits of nettle in that it improves libido, sexual to a force. The use in food of nettle leaves is a good answer to the question of which folk remedies for increase sexual power in men.
Ginger with honey

- Dried Ginger with honey in equal ratio consumed three times a day for half a teaspoon. The whole is washed down with water.
- Ginger not only stimulates the male strength, but it strengthens the immune system.
Ginger with honey is useful for people of age and for those who have, asked if the male menopause.
Infusion of the berries of asparagus
- Take 11 berries of asparagus washed and give infusion in a thermos with boiled water in a volume of 400 ml is about 7 hours.
- The mixture is consumed before a meal to 50 ml three times per day.
- The asparagus is a good prevention of diseases of the prostate and increase male power.
Tincture of ginseng root
- The root of ginseng in the form of a powder, pour the vodka in. The root is taken in a ratio of 1: 20 vodka, respectively.
- Dye put in place, closed by rays of light, and do not touch for two weeks.
- Use a mixture of 20 drops 2 times a day before meal.
- Ginseng is useful, as it increases the amount of male hormones and improves the reproductive capacity of a man.
- The ginseng is considered to be in the company popular remedy, which increases the power in men. Only there is a but. It is not recommended to drink before going to sleep.
Besides ginseng, we've talked about on the website and on special techniques for those who have minute.
Consider via the thymus.
Tincture of thyme
- Take flowers of the shrub, washed and pour the boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Mixture give rest for a day. Then drink 2-3 times a day.
- Tincture of thyme is helpful for preventing the appearance of impotence or prostatitis, you put in order the production of hormones.
A mix of coriander and parsley
Coriander dried and crushed. To it add the parsley and pour boiled water. Mixture give rest for a day. The dye you can drink, drink, food or so for one day only.
Infusion of the flowers of st. john's wort
- The flowers of st. john's wort washed and boiled in water in the proportion of 100 grams to 300 ml of liquid for 10 minutes.
- Dyeing in the damage to stand for 24 hours. Drink about 3 times a day in quantities of 50 g.
- Dye restores the blood circulation in the body, including the organs of the pelvis.
- St. john's wort is considered to be one of the good herbs that increase potency in men, and popular remedy for libido.
Mixture of the root of calamus
- The rhizome calamus finely ground and pour the vodka in a ratio of 2 tablespoons in 150 ml, respectively.
- Mixture give rest for three days. Then drink 10 drops twice a day.
- Still the root of this herb calamus chew it like chewing gum.
- Pro root herb that helps to improve the rigidity dignity of the male.
Flowers of lungwort
- For the tincture, take 20 grams of dried flowers lungwort, and pour a glass of boiling water.
- Damage in infusion for 15 minutes.
- Drink the broth resulting three times per day pre-before a meal.
- You can add vegetables to salads or pasta dishes.
- In this way, by using these tips, you'll know all about how to return the power of the popular men and a half without drugs.
An ice pack
- They take a bit of ice and crumbles into small pieces. Crushed particles wrapped with a piece of gauze in five layers, to avoid freezing.
- Now the gauze with ice alternately applied to the areas of the neck, then the chest and ending in the area of the testicles. For each area do not stay more than 1 minute.
- The procedure is repeated 3-4 times.
Useful contrast shower or Turkish bath
Take time in the morning or before sleep to take an emotional shower. Type of the habit.
On their feelings gradually change the temperature of the water, do not jump immediately into iced water.
While the soul is always listening to your body: you feel that frozen, switch to warm and it is better to stay warm.
A shower of contrast and improves the flow of blood into the male organ and has a major influence on his work.
Other suggestions
- Take a shower contrast, as often as possible. This council shared still the taoist sages with his disciples.
- Abstain from alcohol.
- Stop smoking.
- Less fat, fried in the diet.
- Look at the mode of sleep, reduces the amount of stress and have a positive impact on the male power.
- Do not forget to do physical exercise, to move, to do sports.
This is all about. Now you know a lot of methods and tools to improve the potency in men, when collected together in one of our article.
It will be also effective to apply them together with products on our site. Be in health! Very different folk remedies can be very effective to increase the power. Among the so many varieties of recipes of traditional medicine you want to select the most effective and to apply them constantly. And what are the best tools, every man must decide alone.