The foundation of sexual health and the key to maintaining every man's erectile function is a rich and balanced diet.

In our age, when harsh environmental conditions, busy life rhythms, emotional and physical stress continue to damage men’s health, diversified, correct and healthy foods are particularly important for enhancing effectiveness.
What do I need to eat to improve erectile function and what rules must be followed? Many men, especially men over 30, ask these questions.
Bad eating habits

- In order to reduce the risk of impotence and other genitourinary system diseases, it is necessary to exclude from the diet canned food, smoked sausages, carbonated drinks, store-bought sweet tofu and yogurt, ready-made mayonnaise and ketchup, that is, anything that contains a long shelf life and is harmfulHigh content of additives. Foods rich in preservatives contain almost no nutrients and can cause considerable harm to men's health.
- Diets that increase potency categorically prohibit any fast food. They do not contain the required amount of trace elements and vitamins, and will only cause rapid weight gain, which will have a negative impact on men's erectile function.
- In order to maintain or increase sexual desire, men should remove industrially obtained sugars from their daily diet. It is best to substitute natural sugars such as dried fruits, honey and sweet fruits. Excessive sugar intake will not only lead to impotence, but also cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
- Another dietary rule for men’s health involves salt intake. The large amount of sodium contained in it is of no use to potency and the whole body. It is more useful to replace salt with natural spices (onion, garlic, herbs) or a little soy sauce.
- In order to maintain potency as long as possible, it is recommended that men give up completely or reduce their drinking to a minimum. All alcoholic beverages will remove useful trace elements in the body, so an impotence diet and male alcohol are incompatible.
Essential food for men's health

What to eat is useful for sexual impotence? The first rule is that food should be diversified and provide the required doses of useful elements, vitamins, and energy for an active lifestyle. However, you should choose foods with the lowest calories and animal fat.
Foods that enhance potency and overall health should be rich in protein and healthy carbohydrates, but low in fat. Vitamins A, E, C and B group vitamins have a special effect on enhancing male strength.
In the daily diet, every man should include grains, vegetables to improve sexual performance, vegetables (spinach, lettuce, parsley, etc. ), spices (cumin, mint, thyme, tarragon, fennel, etc. ) and dairy products (milk, Kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt). As for meat, it should also be included in the diet, but it is limited to low-fat varieties.
Men after the age of 50 should reduce their meat consumption at most 4 times a week, and it is recommended to replace animal protein with vegetable protein as much as possible.
Healthy vegetables

The most beneficial vegetables for stimulating erectile function are garlic and all types of onions. Carrots are considered to be equally useful vegetables. It contains carbohydrates, protein and β-carotene, which are converted into vitamin A in the body. In terms of carotene content, carrots are almost not inferior to red peppers, and are clearly ahead of other vegetables.
In addition, it also contains vitamins B1, B2 and B6, as well as a large number of enzymes and minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, iodine, etc. ). All these ingredients are very useful for the whole body and help to increase effectiveness.
Healthy fruit
To prevent impotence, it is recommended that men consume 0. 5 kg of fruit every day. Don't be limited to the usual apples, oranges, and avocados, especially persimmons are great for health.
The latter contains a variety of dietary fiber, antioxidants and trace elements, as well as rich vitamins A, P, C, potassium, copper, iodine, manganese and iron. All of these have a beneficial effect on male strength and increased sexual desire.
Phosphorus and Zinc
Another important element for men’s health is phosphorus. In order to increase the blood flow to the pelvic organs, you should add sprouted wheat, sesame, pumpkin, zucchini and sunflower seeds to the menu. Tomatoes, beets, radishes and cabbage also have a positive effect on male power.
For the treatment and prevention of erectile dysfunction, men’s daily diet should contain foods high in zinc, so don’t forget to eat more apples, honey, brown rice, nuts, onions and garlic.
It is important to remember that seafood, they contain a lot of zinc, and they are also natural aphrodisiacs that help increase libido. For many people, caviar and oysters are considered the most effective foods. Among all kinds of fish, it is best to choose mackerel or salmon which is rich in amino acids.
When preparing food, remember that the healthiest food is steamed, boiled or stewed. When frying, most of the nutrients will be destroyed with the duration of the heat treatment.
Constant pressure, poor ecological environment, chaotic work schedules-all these will have a negative impact on the health and effectiveness of modern men. According to statistics, almost one-third of men, which is a very large number, are concerned about this issue. But women hope that their gentlemen will always be full of power and add vivid emotions to their lives. However, you cannot make this request to someone with effectiveness issues. So which foods can increase the effectiveness of men?
For a woman who wants to help a man, one of the easiest ways is to change his diet and add products that increase the effectiveness of men. But first you need to find the most suitable food for this. So what kind of food can increase male power, make you feel better, increase libido, and which natural aphrodisiac foods can really increase effectiveness?
Many people know that in the simplest product, quail eggs and eggs have a positive effect on potency. This is why you need to add them to your diet frequently. The simplest dish is scrambled eggs, they are easy to prepare, so try to start your morning with them. Please note that if you add onions to scrambled eggs, the potency will increase even more, because onions are a natural vitality and aphrodisiac. Another potency enhancer is meat. Everyone must include it in their diet, but the way to eat meat dishes must be planned.
Seafood and fish also have a positive effect on the sexual activity of the strong. For example, crayfish soup and boiled seafood are excellent dishes for enhancing potency. The sauce is best made with onions and seasoned with parsley, lemon juice, and tomatoes. Oysters and caviar are considered excellent aphrodisiacs. It should be noted that it is good to supplement fish or meat with vegetables. Now you know which foods can increase potency.
Folk recipes from all over the world
Using folk recipes collected from all over the world will not be superfluous. The recipe includes aphrodisiac-products that increase male potency. In Italy, olive oil and garlic have always been considered the best foods for men's power, because they are used in many dishes on the peninsula. In addition, the Italians distinguished roasted tomatoes as a means of improving potency. Everyone knows that Italian men are very temperamental. Aphrodisiac foods such as nuts and seeds often appear in their diets, so they have a good effect on potency because they contain vitamin E.
Indian cuisine is also rich in foods that increase potency. These include honey sesame seeds. Honey is also suitable for walnuts. In addition, in order to increase male potency, pine nuts are used as food. But they can not only eat, but also drink water, with crushed pine nuts added to it.
What products can improve the effectiveness of men, we will describe below. Asparagus, coriander, celery, and parsley should be added to food-these are all natural aphrodisiacs. However, every country has its own. In India, coriander is added to the dough when making most dishes. In Central Asia, pistachios is considered a substance that enhances male potency, in Transcaucasian-a product made from yogurt. Southerners have figs, which not only have a good effect on sex, but also improve the functions of the liver, kidneys and heart. In the East, they drink ginger and clove tea for this.
Proper nutrition
As you know, there are many products that can help men maintain and increase effectiveness. However, apart from individual products, proper nutrition is also important for male strength. It is a mistake to think that such advice applies only to men of decent age. This is not the case, because the right product at any age can have a positive effect on potency.
Among the individual products that have a positive effect on potency are red and black caviar-it contains a lot of protein. Eating about 20 grams of caviar per month will help you increase your effectiveness. In many countries, men eat bananas to be stronger in bed. This is not in vain, because bananas contain many vitamins that affect potency. It is recommended to eat a banana every day, in this case, the male's physical strength is always normal.
In order to get proper nutrition, this will increase potency, and various seasonings will not be superfluous-tarragon, thyme, cumin, fennel. Dishes with such spices have a very bright spicy taste. It is also important to leave room for various dairy products in the diet-kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cheese, etc.
What can you refuse?
It is necessary to reduce the use of beverages with high caffeine content, energy drinks, all of which are achieved by increasing the illusion of male power. They are not only very harmful to the male body, but also very harmful to the average person. Regular consumption of caffeine-containing products will increase the load on the heart and negatively affect the work of blood vessels, eventually leading to thrombosis or heart attack.
Pasta and potatoes are useless to male power. But baked goods should be made from whole-wheat rye flour, which contains many B vitamins. Sausages, sausages, wieners and other products are harmful to men's potency. For this, of course, you need to add nicotine and alcohol. A common misconception is that alcohol increases potency, which can lead to impotence in young men. Alcohol only acts as a stimulant during the initial stage of consumption. If you abuse alcohol, you cannot avoid potency problems! This can lead to sexual dysfunction and decreased desire. Alcohol should be moderate.
Proper healthy eating, walking in the fresh air, and exercise are eternal companions that will always help maintain male strength. Follow a healthy lifestyle, get into nature more frequently, eat correctly and stay healthy!
List of products that immediately improve male effectiveness
The content of various foods in the diet, which contains vitamin complexes and minerals needed to increase men's effectiveness. Some of the main ones are A and E, and the vitamins of the B group. You need to eat a lot of foods that can properly influence sexual activity and desire.

Among a wide variety of products, fish products, shrimps, squids, etc. play a great role. Oysters and flounder are very useful. Vegetable food, perhaps worth mentioning is radish. It has long been known that rennet has a positive effect on the body, which is reflected in its sexual arousal and increased libido.
What product can improve the effectiveness of men?
Let us consider the list of useful products in more detail.
Products that increase the effectiveness of half of the male population:
Camel stomach
This product ranks first in enhancing male potency. Its effect is comparable to that of "Viagra", and it also has a huge advantage, that is, it is completely harmless to the human body. The only big disadvantage is to find this raw material for treatment.

For many years, Sychuzhina has been providing overwhelming help in combating weak sexual arousal. The important point is the special method of cooking this product. It is recommended to eat ready-made dishes before sex, no more than 30 minutes at the latest.
No one expected such a fast movement for the first time. But this product will immediately affect erection and libido, causing strong libido.
It is a world-famous product and a stimulant for sexual desire. Shellfish contain a lot of zinc, which helps to stimulate the production of male hormones in the body. Oysters are also rich in unique amino acids, which have a beneficial effect on the number of sperm produced, resulting in an overall increase in the quantity and quality of semen.

The concentration of essential elements in oysters is highest in spring. This is due to the beginning of the mating season of mollusks.
There is a saying that the maximum effect of using the product can only be obtained when eaten raw. This is due to the fact that when exposed to high temperatures, there is a large loss of important components of the product. In this case, various flavors can be used, such as lemon juice.

You need to pay attention immediately to the fact that eating too much oysters will not only lead to a severe decrease in potency, but also an incredible deterioration in overall health. Seafood itself contains high levels of mercury.
It is also possible to contract certain infections, because molluscs are the main carriers of many kinds of bacteria.
Another way is to soak in a bathtub full of cooked oysters. A course of treatment lasting one hour at a time can significantly improve the effectiveness. After completing the five-day course, people with impotence will be able to enjoy life again.
This fish has incredible delicious and healthy properties. It is rich in vitamins and zinc, and has no equal competitors in this indicator. It is also known for its high content of protein and special amino acids, which is very useful for potency.

In order to keep the fish and vegetables from losing their magical properties, the vegetables need to be steamed. After the fish is ready, the heat treatment must be stopped immediately.
According to its dietary parameters, flounder fits the term "universal food".
The only people who do not recommend eating this kind of food are people with personal prejudices.
In addition, do not eat dried and marinated flounder to replace the core and those who complain about the circulatory system and digestive system organs.
Boiled mackerel
Omega 3 and 6 can be found abundantly in this particular fish. These fatty acids participate in the biosynthesis of male hormones and have a positive impact on the intimate life of men and women.

If you add this dish to your diet, it will immediately lead to increased erections and excitability, as well as an increase in the amount of semen produced. Since mackerel contains the required amount of phosphorus, sperm quality parameters will also increase. Iodine is responsible for the strong sexual desire, and protein is the raw material for the formation of new "tadpoles".
Once you find this fish, you will discover the wonderful world of healthy sex!
This vegetable has taken its place as a matter of course. Products that improve erection and libido are rich in internal chemical ingredients. Radish seeds can stimulate libido and increase potency. The same result can be obtained by eating steamed radish with meat.

The healthiest is red meat. A cooking method that maximizes the useful properties of the product-steaming or stewing. Such dishes are paired with a large variety of herbs and vegetables.

It is always worth remembering that excessive consumption of meat can have a negative effect on the body. This is because meat is considered an indigestible product. The body consumes a lot of energy (including sexual energy) to process these foods.
Generally speaking, eating nuts is good for the body. They are very rich in useful elements and have a beneficial effect on the private affairs of life. Nuts contain arginine, which triggers the production of nitric oxide in the body. This compound is necessary for men to wake up and have a healthy erection.

Mixing it with dried fruits or honey will increase the effectiveness of the product. A mixture of nuts, which also contains raisins, dried apricots, and many other fruits, is also useful. One of the best ways to cook meat or fish is to mix these foods with nuts.
The best-performing nut is cedar. It has a beneficial effect on immunity and increases effectiveness. Experts recommend eating raw.

A magical product that perfectly copes with the dysfunction of the reproductive system-nutmeg. If used every day, it can achieve an excellent therapeutic effect. Of course, you don't need to overdo the food you eat.
You need to know when to stop everywhere, so adding a small amount of ground nutmeg to the plate will be a good solution.
Overdose of this product can have very negative consequences, including death.
This type of product has long been known as an excellent aphrodisiac. These potency products have a positive effect and stimulate sperm production, so that the sperm volume can return to normal.

When cooking, it is best to use methods that will not kill all nutrients. Some seafood can be eaten raw, but should be cooked as little as possible.
There are too many vegetables in our world, and some are good helpers against sexual dysfunction. The only vegetable that deserves special attention is celery. It has several times a strong influence on the effectiveness of libido.

The product is extracted from cocoa to arouse people's sense of romance and enhance sexual desire. It is best to eat dark chocolate varieties because they contain special amino acids that help optimize the function of the genitals. It is not recommended to consume less than sixty-five percent chocolate, and do not consume excessive amounts.